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 [添加时间:2022/9/26 16:33:42, 浏览次数:9646次 ]
    水安全及区域可持续发展与国家安全、地区及国际和平稳定紧密相连。水灾害防御全国重点实验室(原水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室 河海大学·南京水利科学研究院,以下简称实验室)积极响应“一带一路”倡议,设立“一带一路”水与可持续发展科技基金,热忱欢迎和邀请各有关领域的国内外学者、科研人员来实验室进行客座研究,共同开展和推动水灾害防御领域的合作研究和协同发展。
    联 系 人:陶冉冉
    联系方式:江苏省南京市西康路1号  邮政编码:210098
Application Guidelines for the Belt and Road Fund on Water and Sustainability
    Water security and regional sustainable development are closely linked with the national security as well as the regional and international peace and stability.The National Key Laboratory of Water Disaster Prevention (formerly the State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering,Hohai University & Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute) actively responded to the "Belt and Road" initiative and set up the Belt and road (B&R) Fund on Water and Sustainability. Scholars and scientific researchers at home and abroad are warmly welcomed to conduct visiting research in the Lab. Our purpose is to promote the collaborative research and cooperative development in the fields of hydrology-water resources and hydraulic engineering for countries and regions along the B&R.
Consisting of Key and General Fund Projects, the B&R Fund will offer financial support to excellent scientists for the fundamental research and applied fundamental research projects on water security and sustainability in countries and regions along the B&R which are of high scientific values and application prospects.
1. Specific areas of interest
    Carry out applied basic research work around the three research directions of the laboratory.
1、Flood and drought disaster evolution and forecast and warning
    1) The process of hydrological cycle and the mechanism of confluence under changing environment
    2)Formation mechanism and disaster-causing mechanism of hydrological extreme events
    3)Flood and drought disaster forecast and warning
    4)Flood and drought disaster risk prevention and control and resilience response
2、Regulation of hydrodynamic system and recovery of rivers and lakes
    1)Hydrodynamic process and material transport mechanism
    2)Theory and method of hydrology-hydrodynamic-hater ecological model
    3)Engineering response and regulation of hydrodynamic system
    4)Ecological protection and functional recovery of rivers and lakes
3、Water engineering disaster mechanism and prevention and control
    1)Experimental technology and simulation method of water engineering disaster process under complex conditions
    2)Intelligent monitoring and intelligent diagnosis technology of water engineering safety status
    3)Detection, Diagnosis and Restoration Technology of Deep Water and Deep Buried Diseases in Major Water Projects
    4)Theory and technology of risk assessment and coordinated response of water engineering groups
2. Award Information
    The B&R Fund in 2022 is expected to support about 10 Key projects and 25 General Fund Projects, which will be under dynamic management. The rolling funding may last 2 years.
(1) Key Fund Projects
    Top-level talents at home and abroad in the related fields are encouraged to work together with researchers in the Lab to apply the B&R Fund. Approximately ¥150,000 will be awarded to each Key Fund Project. The proposals should be developed following the research orientations and contents listed above. High-quality research achievement and publications are required.
(2) General Fund Projects
    Young and middle-aged talents at home and abroad are encouraged to apply the B&R fund freely. Approximately ¥80,000 will be awarded to each General Fund Project. Feasible projects with prospective, original, and exploratory research are preferred.
3. Application Requirements
    (1) The applicant should have already earned a PhD degree, and are scientific teachers or researchers with a middle-level professional title or above. For the applicant without a senior professional title, two recommendation letters from peer experts who have possessed a senior professional title in the related fields are required for the application. The Lab staff are out of consideration.
    (2) Priority will be given to funding projects that use major laboratory instruments and equipment or carry out related research projects such as instrument research and software development in combination with laboratory research directions( Attachment 1).
    (3) Projects relying on the Xin'anjiang Hydrologic Experimental Station of the Lab or the Tibet Frigid Plateau Region Centre Lab & Eco-hydrological Experimental Sation will be given priority( Attachment 2&3).
    (4) Priority will be given to funding domestic visiting scholars or foreign applicants and projects cooperating with fixed researchers in the laboratory.
    (5) Key Fund Projects are encouraged to be applied in cooperation with the team members of the Lab. The first signature institution of the high-level papers should be assigned as “The National Key Laboratory of Water Disaster Prevention” and the B&R fund on water and sustainability should be acknowledged.
    (6) The application form is expected to be printed out in duplicate and submitted within the required time (accepted by postmark).The application form(Attachment 4) and the summary form(Attachment 5) be submitted via email as well.All application materials submitted by the applicant will not be returned.
4. Acceptance Time
    Application will be accepted since the date of guideline promulgation. And the deadline is October 20, 2022.
5. Fund Management Regulations
    The applications will be reviewed by the organized expert group, and then be submitted to the B&R Fund Academic Commission of the Lab for the final review. Based on the reviewers’ comments, the applicants will be informed after the laboratory issues the project assignments. Besides, the specific regulations of the B&R fund will be conducted following the “Management regulations of the Belt and Road Fund on Water and Sustainability of the The National Key Laboratory of Water Disaster Prevention” ( Attachment 6).
Ranran Tao
The National Key Laboratory of Water Disaster Prevention (Hohai University and Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute)
Phone: +86-025-83786606
Address: 1 Xikang Road, Nanjing 210098, China
Attachment 1: Functions of valuable equipmental instruments
Attachment 2: Introducation of the Xin'anjiang Hydrologic Experimental Station
Attachment 3: Introducation of the Tibet Frigid Plateau Region Centre Lab & Eco-hydrological Experimental Sation
Attachment 4: Application form of the Belt and Road Fund on Water and Sustainability
Attachment 5:Application Summary of the Belt and Road Fund on Water and Sustainability
Attachment 6:Management Regulations of the Belt and Road Fund on Water and Sustainability


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