Based on the idea of “open, exchange, collaborate and compete”, to improve and enhance the academic communication and collaboration between our laboratory and other academic organizations, and attract leading scientists and excellent talents at home and abroad to do their research in the laboratory, we propose the guest researcher policy, and establish the following management rules.
1. Requirements and objectives
1.1 Any researcher inside or outside Hohai University, at home and abroad, who has a doctor’s degree or holds a senior professional position, and meets one of the following requirements, can apply for the position of guest researcher:
(1) Leading scientist who has high academic position and is influential in his research filed at home and abroad.
(2) Researcher who has strong ability of doing scientific research according with the research directions of our laboratory, especially who has achieved outstanding research results in basic research.
(3) Leader of important major national projects or chief researcher of those projects.
(4) Young researcher who proposes innovative and practical research projects which are approved by the laboratory.
1.2 There are three types of guest researchers: Type I, senior guest researcher; Type II, guest researcher; Type III, guest research assistant. The period of time of the appointment will be about one to three years, while the actual time of working in the lab depend on the agreement between the gust researcher and the lab.
1.3 The applicant should provide formal application form, resume (including publications), collaborative research proposals in co-operation with the research teams of our laboratory.
.4 Required objectives for gust researchers:
For Type I senior guest researchers: (1) Lead international collaborative projects or national major scientific research project, or coordinate the application for such projects; (2) Hold high-profile academic seminars; (3) Publish SCI-indexed papers in the name of the laboratory; (4) Supervise young researchers of the laboratory to make advanced academic research; (5) Other jobs according to the agreement between the applicant and the laboratory.
For Type II guest researchers: (1) Take part in international collaborative projects or national major scientific research project, or coordinate the application for such projects; (2) Hold high-profile academic seminars; (3) Publish SCI-indexed and/or EI-indexed papers in the name of the laboratory; (4) Supervise young researchers and/or graduate students of the laboratory to make advanced academic research; (5) Other jobs according to the agreement between the applicant and the laboratory.
For Type III guest research assistants: (1) Take part in international collaborative projects or national major scientific research project; (2) Publish SCI-indexed and/or EI-indexed papers in the name of the laboratory; (3) Other jobs according to the agreement between the applicant and the laboratory.
1.5 The application will be evaluated by an academic committee. An agreement between the gust researcher and the lab will be made after the approval of the application.
2. Working conditions and privileges
2.1 The guest researcher can use the instruments, softwares and research materials, the office equipments during the period of his stay in the laboratory, enjoys the privileges according to the relevant regulations. He/She has the right to give advice, supervise and take part in the management of the laboratory.
2.2 In the period of employment, the guest researcher will get living allowance according to his actual time stay in the laboratory. The allowance for Type I researcher is 5,000~10,000 Yuan per month, for Type II 3,000~ 7,000, and for Type III 2,000 ~ 5,000 (all tax included).
2.3 During the stay in the laboratory, the accommodation will be arranged and paid by the laboratory. The payment for the travel costs will be decided according to the agreement between the gust researcher and the laboratory. The other costs will be taken care by the gust researcher.
3. Management and Assessment
3.1 The employment of guest researchers should be applied by the chair professor of any research team of the laboratory, then examined by the meeting of laboratory directors and approved by higher-level administrative authority. The guest researcher, who will work relatively long time in the laboratory, and who has substantive cooperation with the laboratory and helps our research teams greater, will be considered first. Researchers who make outstanding achievements can apply for the extension of the employment.
3.2 The guest researcher should work and submit the research results according to the agreement. The publication should be named first with "The state key laboratory of hydrology-water resources and hydraulic engineering" .
3.3 The gust researcher should report his/her job by the end of his/her stay, including all the original materials of research results. The chair professor of relevant research team will evaluate the his/her job, and organize a evaluation meeting. The evaluation results will be archived by the laboratory.
3.4 The guest researcher should obey the national laws and regulations of the laboratory.
3.5 The laboratory posses the final right for the explanation of the regulation.